Apparently, I Now Sound Like An AI (And What It Means)

Victor Tan
6 min readFeb 18, 2023

The other day, I used OpenAI’s new Whisper algorithm for the first time…

…Only to realize something very, very strange.

If you’ve not heard about Whisper, it’s OpenAI’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, and it’s significantly more accurate compared to something like Siri, which I usually use, or other kinds of technologies.

Anyway, for an upcoming Medium piece, I chose to narrate everything into the voice memo app on my iPhone, in preparation to have it transcribed by Whisper, while I was on a drive from my home to my cello lesson about 15 minutes away.

Whisper did it *almost* perfectly!

Whisper did it (almost!) perfectly, by the way.

Then, I uploaded this into ChatGPT just to format it but didn’t change any of the text.

This was perfect! It was well transcribed, everything looked good, and all that remained was for me to just post the thing, right?




Victor Tan

Enjoys talking to smart people x Perpetually passionate about education in an age of AI and modern technology; Malaysia native, occasionally found elsewhere.