Why People Make Deceptive Clickbait (And Why It Doesn’t Make Sense)

Victor Tan
6 min readFeb 12, 2023
generated with midjourney by Victor Tan :)

What’s that?

I Made 3 Million Dollars By Age 22 From These 8 Side Hustles???



7 AI Tools That Will Make You A Millionaire In A Month?


Before you know it, you are knee deep in tabs, desperate to find out what Cozma and Mark have to say.

As the article loads, your mind spins as you think that maybe – Just maybe! Maybe these authors have a piece of knowledge that you do not? Something tantalising that is just beyond your grasp?

…As you dream of the millions of dollars you’ll make this year, the author tells you that he became a millionaire by selling AI-generated blog posts on Fiverr, and it dawns on you: you have just completely wasted your time.

Links to articles like these are a dime a dozen on Medium, inviting readers to click on them as if they are pushing little buttons that solve every problem in the human world — the only problem?

The buttons never actually work, their creators know that they don’t work, but they create them anyway.

So why do people make deceptive



Victor Tan

Enjoys talking to smart people x Perpetually passionate about education in an age of AI and modern technology; Malaysia native, occasionally found elsewhere.